Minister urges Bunyoro residents to safeguard their land from encroachers

Minister urges Bunyoro residents to safeguard their land from encroachers

During a public address held in Bunyoro sub region the honorable state minister for lands Dr. Sam Mayanja has acknowledged the escalating issue of land grabbing that has plagued the region. Expressing deep concern for the adverse effects on the local population, the minister emphasized the need for immediate action to safeguard the land that rightfully belongs to the people of Bunyoro.

The minister urged residents to unite and form a strong front against land grabbers who exploit legal loopholes and engage in unethical practices to unlawfully acquire land. By mobilizing the community and raising awareness about their rights, the minister believes that an empowered and informed population can effectively counter these encroachers.

The Kyakaliba LC 1 chairman Ramadhan Byonta said that they have lost about 18 residents in this land related conflicts.

“We have lost our people here. About 18 people have been murdered at night especially those that have been so vocal defending land here, and when we go to police they never help us. All  they tell us is Mugenyi is so connected and they can’t handle those matters,” Byonta said

To aid in the defense against land grabbers, the minister suggested several proactive measures. Firstly, he encouraged the establishment of local committees or task forces dedicated to monitoring and reporting suspicious land transactions.

These committees can serve as a vital information network, enabling swift responses to any encroachment attempts.

Additionally, the minister stressed the importance of educating the local population about land ownership laws and regulations. By providing accessible resources and conducting workshops, residents can better understand their rights and take appropriate measures to protect their land.

The minister also highlighted the significance of documenting land ownership and encouraged individuals to ensure their land titles and legal documents are up to date.

Furthermore, the minister pledged the government’s commitment to supporting Bunyoro residents in their fight against land grabbers. He assured the community that legal frameworks would be strengthened to close existing loopholes and penalize those involved in fraudulent land transactions.

The minister emphasized the need for collaboration between the government, local authorities, and community members to effectively address this pressing issue.

The minister’s call to action empowers the residents of Bunyoro to defend their land against encroachers. By raising awareness, establishing local committees, and strengthening legal frameworks, the community can take a united stand against land grabbing.

Through these collective efforts, the people of Bunyoro can safeguard their valuable resources and protect their rights for the benefit of present and future generations.