Shock as loaded firearm is abandoned at LC1 chairperson’s home

Shock as loaded firearm is abandoned at LC1 chairperson’s home

Police are investigating circumstances in Kasese under which a loaded firearm (gun) with 10 rounds of live ammunitions was dumped at the home of the LC1 chairman.

Mr Kahayika Asasio the LC1 chairman told our reporter that unknown people abandoned the sub machine gun at his home at the doorstep of his house on Thursday.

“I don’t know who and at what time the dropped it there but was shocked to find it on my doorstep early morning.” he said.

He suspects that whoever dropped it had good faith as he was handing it over to the authorities. However this follows the spate of robberies in the area as one of the residents name withheld told our reporters.

“Robbers have been terrorizing us and I hope that the gun which was dropped at the chairman’s home is one of those they have been using in their robberies,” she said.

As we contacted the ASP Nelson Tumushiime the Rwenzori East Police spokesman said the police was working with other agencies to investigate the origin of the firearm.

“The gun has been exhibited and security are examining it to establish the owner and whether it had been used in recent robberies in the district,”he said.