Study shows over 1000 babies are born with cleft lip every year

Study shows over 1000 babies are born with cleft lip every year

Recent research done by a non -profit Organisation indicate that in Kiruddu National Referral Hospital, Cure Mbale, Surgical Center Mbarara among other hospitals over 1000 children are born with cleft lip and palate.

The research was based on the Mulago National Referral Hospital which carried out the research in the labour ward setting to determine the incidence of cleft clip and palate among neonates.

According to Dr Eric Musota a programme coordinator at smiles care Uganda told our media that there is a number of children born with cleft in relation to the rising number of patients seeking surgical procedures today.”

However according Dr Mugoya cleft clip causes the facial structures that develop in an unborn child not to close completely.

This defect makes it uncomfortable for children to live among other people as they are disregarded in society and isolated.

Health experts also noted that there was no specific cause for cleft lip and palate except it being associated with environmental and genetic factors.

A therapist at Makerere University Dr Duncan Musasuzi linked the deformity to poor nutrition and bad habits among expectant mothers.

In addition most expectant mothers who smoke , drink alcohol share increased risk of getting cleft-lip in their unborn children.

Dr Kariuki urged expectant mothers to attend antenatal clinics and take folic acid supplements before birth.
However to avert the rising untimely death among the neonates and issues associated with the condition some of the key speakers come front to offer solutions like free surgeries an initiative offered by Smiles Train and smiles care Uganda for the past three years.

More mothers are further coming out to seek better management of the condition as over 3649 children born with cleft lip have undergone surgery though these children remain affected with speech hence prompting an intervention in speech management therapy program.