Adolescent girls bear disproportionate durden of HIV than boys

Adolescent girls bear disproportionate durden of HIV than boys

A new research report  from the Uganda Aids Commission ( UAC) shows that adolescent girls and young women in Uganda face significantly higher risks of contracting HIV compared to their male peers.

Data shows that among 15-19 year olds, HIV prevalence is four times greater in females. The statistics illustrate the serious imbalance that exists in HIV vulnerability between the sexes during adolescence.

According to Dr Byamukama Daniel the head of HIV prevention at UAC said the biggest push for the high infection rate is the high gender based violence in the country and the high teenage pregnancies which in 2022/2023 totalled 1,404 teenage pregnancies.

While overall infection rates in the general population have stabilized in recent years, teenage girls continue to be disproportionately affected.

Meanwhile experts cite a range of social, economic and cultural factors that leave girls more exposed to the virus. Gender-based violence, lack of empowerment, sexual abuse and imbalanced age-disparate relationships are common challenges.

Many girls lack autonomy over their sexuality or ability to negotiate condom use. Poverty also drives some into survival sex work or transactional relationships with older men where the risk of HIV is amplified.

Education levels play a role too, with those unable to continue schooling at higher risk. Stakeholders are calling for urgent measures to address the root causes driving the gender disparity in teen infections.

Comprehensive sexuality education, economic empowerment programs and prevention of sexual abuse are some interventions being emphasized.

Ending the discrimination and vulnerabilities that Constrain girls’ lives will be critical to achieving an AIDS-free generation. More support is also needed to assist those already living with HIV so their health and futures are not defined by the epidemic.

Concerted efforts are still required to protect the human rights and health of adolescent girls in Uganda.