Agnes Nandutu remanded again

Agnes Nandutu remanded again

The presiding judge Jane Okuo Kajuga adjourned the bail application of the state minister for Karamoja Affairs Ms Agnes Nandutu filled by her defence lawyers in favour of her release.

She claimed that she needed time to go over the bail submissions before coming up with a ruling.

“You ( defence and state lawyers) have raised a number of issues that court needs to look through before coming up with a ruling. let me use this afternoon ( yesterday) to look through the issues before I can deliver the ruling tomorrow at 11am,” justice Okuo ruled.

Earlier the prosecution led by Chief State Attorney Jonathan Muwaganya had asked the court not to release Ms Agnes Nandutu on bail citing that there were high chances of her fleeing given her alleged previous conduct of snubbing police summons.

Mr Muwaganya had presented an affidavit of detective Emmanuel Benon who is said he had conducted surveillance on her three known mobile phones,searched her home but she had gone into hiding.

..”I and my team on April 16 ,2023 Went to the applicant’s home at Nantabuliliwa in Seeta, Mukono district in search for the applicant and I established from her home security guard… that the applicant hadn’t returned home since 11 am of April 14, 2023 when she was booked out in the residential dairy book ,” the affidavit which was read out by Muwaganya stated.

Mr Muwaganya added that the the MP had abandoned her vehicle as one of the way of eluding police arrest.

However after the police spokesperson Fred Enanga announced the disappearance of the minister she come out of hiding and surrendered herself to Police at CID headquarters in Kibuli.

Nandutu’s defence lawyer Mr Charles Wamukota downplayed the state’s allegations saying that the minister voluntarily handed herself to the CID.

“The applicant reported to police voluntarily when she learnt that she was wanted. There were no criminal summons that were issued by the police to prove that she was summoned and she refused to appear,” Mr Wamukota said.

Meanwhile the minister presented three sureties ; Nathan Nandala Mafabi, Mr Nangoli Gerald and Milton Kamoti but the state rejected Mr Nangoli and Mr Kamoti for allegedly not being substantial because they didn’t demonstrate their financial capabilities.