Trial of street beggar found with revolver gun gets underway

Trial of street beggar found with revolver gun gets underway

Kintu Mayambala,43, who was recently arrested in disguise of a street beggar while posing with a revolver gun on the streets of Kampala is to be tried today( Monday)

According to section 3(1) and 2(a) of the firearm Act, the offences attract maximum sentences of 10 year’s imprisonment, upon conviction.

Meanwhile Baganda Road Court will be presided over by Grade one magistrate Siena Owomugisha. State Attorney Lydia Nakato will prosecute the case while Mayambala who has no lawyer will defend himself.

However this follows the complete investigation into the matter that was declared last month from the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

The wheelchair bound man aged 43 who has been pretending as a street beggar on Kampala’s streets was arrested and detained on April 4, 2023 after he was frisked and loaded pistol found on him at a spot outside Kalungu Plaza on Johnstone street in Kampala.

According to police, the accused pretended to be a beggar so he could draw sympathy from passers-by in Kampala.